What I learned while during my 36 hour Nyquil induced sleep:
While napping with the TV on, Oprah, the View and the local news can be too loud if not muted. Even muted, the flashes of color can be distracting and contribute to some wacked out dreams.
My cat wants to cuddle when I don't.
My bedroom is very bright in the middle of the day.
Sleeping though an entire day, so much happens and so many emails fill up your inbox.
Sleeping through an entire day, you don't miss much. (and really, you can just delete the unread emails and there isn't much need to go back and read EVERY twitter that you missed)
Snot is disgusting.
Cold medicine makes me wacky
I'm already a bit wacky.
36 hours without human contact is abnormal.
The TV does not count as human contact.
The world doesn't seem to miss me much in a 36 hour period. Although, I believe if it was 48 or 72 I would be missed.
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